What is a Complementary Therapy?
Traditional, conventional Physiotherapy means Physiotherapists know how to perform Massage and manipulation effectively as well as being trained up in Exercise and movement. However Chartered Physiotherapists are also increasingly using alternative health interventions to work with the traditional Physiotherapy treatments that link with the above. Use the headings below to find out more about the therapy of your choice and how it could benefit your health and wellbeing.
What We Offer
A treatment using very fine needles, inserted at particular acupuncture points on the body that can help relieve the symptoms of a number of physical and psychological conditions.Read more
Massage is a core Physiotherapy skill that has been traditionally used by Physiotherapists for over 100 years but many people believe it is a complementary medicine.Read more
CST is a gentle hands on therapy that focuses on the brain and spinal cord systems.If you have suffered an injury or trauma you may notice your body has become more restricted which leads to a decrease in the function of a certain area or the whole body.Read more