
Physiotherapy and Headaches: What Can We Do?

Physiotherapy and Headaches: What Can We Do?

The first step in effectively treating any headache is to correctly identify the type of headache you are experiencing, followed by its root cause. A physiotherapist can help you identify both of these things, and work with you to lay out a range of treatment options and work towards reducing the level and frequency of this pain.

Osgood-Schlatter Disease

Osgood-Schlatter Disease

Osgood-Schlatter disease is the inflammation of the Tibial Tubercle, which is where the Patellar Tendon connects to the kneecap, running down to the shinbone. The primary cause of the condition is sudden growth spurts, which is further exacerbated by physical activity (not necessarily excessive activity, it must be noted)

Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave Therapy

Extracorporeal shockwave therapy, ESWT, or simply “shockwave therapy” for short is the use of shockwaves to treat inflammations of the tendons around our joints. Although it is a relatively unknown therapy in the public eye, shockwave therapy has proven to be a popular choice among many athletes, as well as people with chronic pain.

What is Frozen Shoulder Diagnosis and Treatment

Frozen shoulder, or medically known, ‘Adhesive Capsuilitis’, is a disorder which involves the connective tissue surrounding the shoulder, the capsule. The shoulder capsule is just an envelope of tissue that surrounds the shoulder joint, this shoulder joint capsule can become inflamed which can result in tightening and scarring of the shoulder joint capsule which gives rise to ‘Frozen Shoulder’.

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